How Does Our Water Filter Work?

The technology behind our water filter is saving lives. Using this unique but simple filter produces approximately 5 gallons per hour of safe clean drinking water, with a lifetime yield of tens of thousands gallons of safe clean water.  Besides the filter kit, the only “equipment” needed is a 5-gallon bucket.

  • The design of the filter is simple
  • The construction is fast.
  • And the maintenance is low.

diagram of hollow fiber membrane

The Way It Works

The water filter uses a technology initially developed for kidney dialysis. Hollow Fiber Membranes are made of small U-shaped micro tubes. Going through tiny micro pores, water enters the cores.

These pores are just 0.1-micron absolute.

As a result, cholera, E. coli, and typhoid-causing bacteria, as well as protozoa, cannot pass. Of all the filtration systems currently available, this one offers the highest removal level at 99.99999% while maintaining a high flow rate based on the large number of tubes.

At 0.1 micron absolute, there is no way for bacteria or protozoa to pass through. With a simple design and easy construction, families in third-world countries do not have to mess with purification chemicals, digging wells, or constructing sand filters.

Instead, all they need is the filter kit, a 5-gallon bucket, and a water source to enjoy clean, safe water in minutes.

For setup, a 1.5-inch hole is drilled in the bottom of a clean plastic bucket. The connector, hose, and filter are then screwed onto the bucket. After being filled with water from virtually any source, the filter head is lowered below the water line allowing gravity to work.

Having such a high flow rate at 5 gallons per hour, there is no need to store water, which dramatically reduces the risk of contamination. Working on gravity alone, this water filter is an extremely cost-efficient solution. For just pennies a day, a single filter is enough to provide safe drinking water to a family, a school, or an entire village.

The water filter is also easy to maintain. If the filter becomes clogged or the flow rate slows, an included syringe filled with clean water is used to backwash the filter.

Although the water filter is used for daily living, it is also an excellent solution during a natural disaster. Regardless of the situation, the water filter prevents a number of waterborne diseases.


At a success rate of 99.99999%, the bacteria that cause amoebic dysentery, botulism, cholera, coliform bacteria, E. Coli, salmonella, leptospirosis and streptococcus are eliminated


 Also at a removal rate of 99.99999%, protozoa, also known as cysts, are removed, which prevents diseases like cyclospora, cryptosporidium, and giardia.

Click here to see pricing & order quantity 1-25 filters and how to get a quote for larger quantities